Site Ownership

VISAV Limited (VISAV) is the data controller for the entire Neighbourhood Alert Network of sites and owns this website. (Sussex Community Search Team owns the URL Each organisation that can access your data does so under licence from VISAV and takes on the responsibilities of a joint Data Controller (with VISAV). VISAV ensures that each licensed Information Provider is aware of their responsibilities under the Data Protection Act and will pass on any complaints to the Information Provider concerned.

VISAV will, on behalf of the Information Providers and site administrators, lawfully and securely administrate all personal details submitted to this website. VISAV will not divulge to any of its partners or any other body or individual without your permission any personal details that you provide, unless it is essential to do so for the purpose of detecting or preventing crime, or if this is in the interests of public safety. VISAV Ltd cannot accept any responsibility for damage or loss to equipment, software or data caused by use of this site.